21 Αυγούστου 2015

Interstellar - Κριτική στο imdb

Πολλοί φίλοι, γνωστοί και άγνωστοι πάθανε πλάκα με αυτή την ταινία, και από πολλούς θεωρήθηκε τεράστια ταινία στο χώρο του science fiction, αλλά και ξέσπασαν διαμάχες για το αν η ταινία είναι σωστή βάση φυσικής ή όχι. Για εμένα αυτές οι συζητήσεις, όπως αποδείχτηκε, φαίνονται άκυρες λόγο του ότι τα "κρυφά μηνύματα" της ταινίας είναι πιο σημαντικά. Μάλιστα σε όλες τις ταινίες, αλλά κυρίως σε science fiction, fantasy και όπου δείχνουν κάτι άλλο από την πραγματικότητα προσπαθώ να τις βλέπω σαν μεταφορές που έχουν ανταπόκριση στο σήμερα. Η κριτική είναι στα αγγλικά.

OK let me start by saying this: I am not an expert on physics and when I watch a movie I hardly care, as long as it does not make me think reasonably, as long as "movie science" is presented in a believable way. Now if I want to watch something with accurate science I will watch a documentary, and even that one side will tell you that's the truth, and the other not. I will not watch a science fiction movie for actual science, I will do because I want to see stuff that can't happen in my world, at least for the time being, but reflect to my reality and have some lessons in them.

I think Nolan is brilliant. Goebbels was was also brilliant (responsible for Hitler's propaganda). He had also some distorted point of views. And so does Nolan... I fully disagree with the messages Nolan is trying to show in his films. For example in "Dark Knight Rises" those who talk about freedom and true justice are telling telling lies and are the "bad guys". Batmna manages to win them with the help of the police. This translates to me "communists, anarchists, activists, all of them are liars, only trust the state". Sorry but my beliefs are kinda different.

Now on to "Interstellar"... It is a very well crafted movie, with good effects, great acting from people that I didn't consider good actors like McConaughey and Damon, great acting from guys who are great actors like Caine and the trinity killer, and the same mediocre acting from Hathaway who she think is a good actor, but everybody Else does not. In any case, you know why this movie is good, but let's now talk about the bad stuff, shall we?

What I try to do in most science fiction movies is try to see some stuff as metaphors. The earth is in danger from something that was already there but now it consumes the world. Our protagonist believes that solving this problem is pointless so let's destroy some more worlds. This is like saying "don't care about the destruction that happens every day in front of your eyes, don't care about your everyday problems, think about the future and what it can bring". And what is this? Nolan says it for himself, without even knowing it: Uncenternty. It is the most unlikely thing to happen, yet however it does. But the fact is that the politicians in the world say to you "trust us because today it is not great but tomorrow it will be". And it never will... What if Cooper's mission was a failure? Wouldn't that be a waste for all those scientists who could have solved the problem on earth, to just waste their time like this? This movie also show that colonizing another planet is a good thing, forgetting everything that man made when he colonized America. And the American flag is hanged in both planets, because mankind is at the blink of destruction but nations and corporations still exists, and Nolan's perfect world that's a good thing. The movie show us NASA doing this research. I would guess that in a catastrophic event like that everyone would like to be involved, at least that's what I would like to see. But no, Nolan show us that NASA is our savior who along with the USA would be leaders of this new world. The other thing that bothered me were "the others". First of all this is a clear metaphor for god. God will save us at the last minute, as long as we have faith in him. Yes, the others are "evolved humans" as it seems, and you could say that this has to do with Buddhism, because everyone of us is god, an evolved creature, not binded by the chains of our primitive perspective. That could be better, if presented properly, but it is not Buddhism, nor humanism, this is conservative christianism, masqueraded as something greater. The others are our saviors who act in mysterious ways and we cannot comprehend them. We should have faith in them, blind faith cause in the end they are right. And they choose a savior, our protagonist's daughter. Thank you very much but I don't believe in saviors. I don't believe in higher powers that we should follow with question, nor in the power of a state, a corporation or in nations for what matters. This is good movie, if you look at it without it's messages, or if you believe in those messages, but if you look closer it has ugly meanings that in no way save the world, in reality they keep destroying it. So thanks but no thanks. I should better re-watch 2001 - A space odyssey than this again...

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